<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
* Copyright(c) 1998-99. Teg Workz. All Rights Reserved.
* The script is for public use w/o warranty or support
* of any kind. No function or any portion thereof aside
* from writeOnText() and txtTyper() shall be used
* or copied anywhere else without the author's consent.
* Violators will be prosecuted by the full extent of
* the law.
* script title : Text Typer 1.0b
* script domain : public
* date created : 8/25/98 9:31PM
* last update : 8/26/98
* Emmanuel C. Halos - agent_teg@ThePentagon.com
* http://home.talkcity.com/TechnologyWay/teg%60/
* http://www2.mozcom.com/~halos/
* End of Copyright u may remove the ff lines:
* HISTORY: 1.0 only type texts... no support for
* WAVs/other audio format
* 1.0b support for NS plugins
* 1.0c support for NS/IE plugins/activeX.
* no activeX detection procedure was
* made.
* 2.0 rewrote the script. no support for sound.
* different function
* 2.5 added a parser so html tags could be used
* (to a limited degree)
* DESCRIPTION: Mediocre script ;) This one types
* a series of text letter-by-letter.
* SYNTAX: txtTyper('string', 0, 'style1', 'style2', 'normalcolor', 'typedcolor', delay, playsound);
* string - the message to be displayed
* style1 - ID style
* style2 - style of text inside style1
* normalcolor - final color of texts (unless string has html tags)
* typedcolor - color of text while being written
* delay - pause in millisecond between typing
* playsound - 0 - no sound and 1 - play sound
var layers = document.layers, style = document.all, both = layers || style, idme=908601;
if (layers) { layerRef = 'document.layers'; styleRef = ''; } if (style) { layerRef = 'document.all'; styleRef = '.style'; }
function writeOnText(obj, str) {
if (layers) with (document[obj]) { document.open(); document.write(str); document.close(); }
if (style) eval(obj+'.innerHTML= str');
var dispStr = new Array(
"<b>Biodata admin : <br><font color=#00FF00><br>Nama : Moch. Firmansyah</font>...</b> <br> <br>TTL : Cianjur, 26 Agustus 1987 <br><br>Hoby : Basket, Browsing Internet<font color=#00FF00></font> <br><br> Pesan : Terserah Gue Donk<font color=#00FF00> -bener ga?</font> <br> <br> By <a href=mailto:menz87@yahoo.com>menz87@yahoo.com</a><font color=#FF0000> -TKJ 2007-2008 </font>"
var overMe=0;
function txtTyper(str, idx, idObj, spObj, clr1, clr2, delay, plysnd) {
var tmp0 = tmp1 = '', skip = 0;
if (both && idx <= str.length) {
if (str.charAt(idx) == '<') { while (str.charAt(idx) != '>') idx++; idx++; }
if (str.charAt(idx) == '&' && str.charAt(idx+1) != ' ') { while (str.charAt(idx) != ';') idx++; idx++; }
tmp0 = str.slice(0,idx);
tmp1 = str.charAt(idx++);
if (overMe==0 && plysnd==1) {
if (navigator.plugins[0]) {
if (navigator.plugins["LiveAudio"][0].type=="audio/basic" && navigator.javaEnabled()) {
setTimeout("document.embeds[0].play(false)",100); }
} else if (document.all) {
} else overMe=0;
writeOnText(idObj, "<span class="+spObj+"><font color='"+clr1+"'>"+tmp0+"</font><font color='"+clr2+"'>"+tmp1+"</font></span>");
setTimeout("txtTyper('"+str+"', "+idx+", '"+idObj+"', '"+spObj+"', '"+clr1+"', '"+clr2+"', "+delay+" ,"+plysnd+")",delay);
function init() {
txtTyper(dispStr[0], 0, 'ttl0', 'ttl1', '#339933', '#99FF33', 50, 0);
// -->
<BODY bgcolor="#000000" text="#339933" link="#33FF00" alink="#666666" vlink="#666666" onload="init()">
<div id=ttl0 class=ttl1></div>
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<PARAM NAME="ShowDisplay" VALUE="0">
<PARAM NAME="ShowControls" VALUE="0">
<PARAM NAME="AutoStart" VALUE="0">
<PARAM NAME="FileName" VALUE="type.au">
<embed src="type.au" width="37" height="0" controls="playbutton" hidden="true" autostart="false" alt="">
<img src='index/2.jpg'>